Is it just me or are people increasingly using initials to sign emails, Facebook messages, etc? I only call one person by her initials on occasion only because it's LBC otherwise known as Long Beach California. Only feels natural to call her by her first name. When did initials become cool? Sure, appropriate to use for official documents, but not sure how I feel about it otherwise. When I use my initials to sign things it makes me nervous. I usually use "BF," which can mean many things to many people.
Here are options I tend to think of upon seeing those letters together:
-best friend (of course)
-blood flow
-breastfeeding (ew, it still seems unnatural)
-Benjamin Franklin (my other BF as in best friend, not boyfriend)
-bodily function
-brace face (aka what I was for 10 years with dental parents)
-baby's father
-and of course, butt f*&%$er (don't yell at me, it really can stand for that)
Many more of course, you get the idea. Given those choices, who in heavens name would use initials? Only thing I can come up with is if your name is worse than the things above...although I doubt anyone can beat "butt-f*&^er." Although I accept a challenge!
Then there's the question of whether or not to us "." between letters. It would be appropriate since it's technically an abbreviation, but certainly detracts from the coolness.
xoxo, (this is gaining popularity as well, but that's for another post)
Today I'm grateful for enzyme aestitian rocks, gifts, and New Year's Eve parties.
"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

For some reason when I hear someone say, "Merry Christmas," instead I hear, "You are Christian and you just don't know it." There are theories that Christmas was actually scheduled around a Pagan holiday (solstice), to help Pagans adapt after changing religions. (Holiday origination fascinates me.) I completely acknowledge majority of Americans celebrate Christmas; however, I don't like assuming everyone does. Some people call it PC, I prefer wanting to just be inclusive and not have anyone feel left out, which I assume they already do if they get told Merry Christmas all the time.
What's funny to me is that the actually root words of Christianity I believe in and love, for some reason what it has stood for in the past hundred years is what pushes me away. I believe Jesus lived and was an extraordinary human being, like the Buddha or Mohammed. Christ comes from the Greek word, christos (sp?) meaning light and lord comes from Armanian (sp?) word meaning life. I can't think of more beautiful words to represent this season - light and life.
Okay, really this post serves no other purpose than to apologize for being a Scrooge, and second to wish you a Happy Holidays, or Merry Christmas...whichever you prefer. =)
Today I'm grateful for holiday cards, fireplaces, and cookie tea.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Life in the fast lane

Yes I would say I live life in the fast lane...I go to express checkout lanes at the grocery store, I go 5 mph over the posted speed limit, and yes, sometimes speak so quickly I hardly understand myself. Finally this wild and crazy lifestyle of mine (please note sarcasm) has finally paid off as I have been offered a job as a speed dating hostess.
Oddly enough I went to one of this particular company's events almost exactly two years ago. After I was left at a restaurant in Los Angeles by my somewhat boyfriend I came back home after the crushing dumping procedure (note to men - Post-It notes are far better than this method) and went to an event with a group of girls. The evening was lovely, including the man who asked for my hand in marriage and told me about his pet python (still don't know if this is a sexual innuendo I missed at the time, I was younger and far more naive).
Anyhow (please for God's sake don't say "anyhoo," I don't care who you are), I'm still uncertain as to whether or not in my role the emphasis will be on "speed" or "dating." (Sorry, sounds funnier in my head.) Hope to see you at the events, in the meantime...please call me "Speed Match," as in Speedy Matchmaker. ;)
Today I'm grateful for holiday lights, knowing my worth, and becoming a matchmaker. ;)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Just an ordinary Sunday...

For all of you in good ol' CS (that's Colorado Springs for those of you who don't live here), a picture of me doing yoga is in the Gazette Metro section can't see my shirt well, but it says "Arms are for hugging." Thought you should know. To the right is the actual photo, feel free to make fun of my triangle pose or my Go-Go Gadget arms.
The 108 Sun Salutations for Peace event was at Smokebrush Gallery. I don't know how or when I decided doing 81 sun salutations was a good idea...
Today I'm grateful for Community for Spiritual Living, my "Arms are for hugging" shirt, and holiday cookies.
Thursday, December 18, 2008

What would a post be without quotes...From the Alchemist:
-"Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him."
-"Wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure."
The genius behind the book is Paulo Coehlo and his other masterpieces include Eleven Minutes and Manual of the Warrior of Light. All of his books touch the soul and address a different area of life. Can you sense Alchemist is a "must read?"
The actual science of alchemy dates back thousands of years - achieving success meant attaining perfect wisdom. Alchemists' goal was to transform common metals into precious metals such as gold and silver. This book does just turning a heart of stone into gold.
Today I'm grateful for fortune cookies, books, and a full tank of gas.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Love poem for love cake

So, here it goes...not my best, but will have to do.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee for your depth, gingerbreadth and every bite;
My soul can eat, when feelings of delight;
For the ends of all seeing and impossible to replace.
I love thee to eat at everyday's Grace.
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as in sneaking around at night;
I love thee purely, as you keep me in a daze.
I love thee with a passion that I abuse;
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I cannot lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with your gingerbreath, icing, and of all my adult life! --- and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after cutting you with a knife.
(original poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, adapted by Becky Farrar for lebkuchen)
Today I'm grateful for brunch with Mom and Dad, clean rooms, and being caught up.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Best Week Ever
This week's highlights include new book from ten-pack (he proves it's possible) Olympian Michael Phelps, Playboy hires new CEO, and for some reason or another Speidi is still alive and well. (Will they please break up, pretty please?)
But somebody's having the best week ever...Not sure if Paul F. Thompkins (why the initial Paul?) would agree, but I'm pretty sure it's me! To recap, dorky blonde girl (me) returns to Colorado after a week of yogic bliss for a night of comical karaoke (sorry, can't seem to think of a "k" adjective for an alluring alliteration), gets a job as a hostess for speed dating, gets an online Facebook message from a major hottie (who's somewhat of a celeb), gets offered a job doing marketing for her favorite dance studio, has an initial interview with Starz channel, AND has three dinner dates (with friends, no need to be that excited) in three days. Did I mention it's also the holidays (in case you weren't aware), so the entire nation is oozing love and goodness?

Sizzler alert!!! In addition to major hottie Facebook message...gets asked out by another crush just today...five minutes ago!
Ah, life is sweet when it's the best week ever, and isn't it always??
Today I'm grateful for Facebook, MySpace, and Google Ads (that will hopefully make me some extra money).
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Karaoke Kid

When I lived in the sorority house one of my sisters (yes, I still call them that, my biological sister doesn't get offended, anymore), had a karaoke machine and I didn't understand the appeal. Over the past several years I've improved drastically and believe the karake equivalent to Mr. Myagi would be proud. Not sure if it's my imagination, but karaoke seems to be gaining popularity points. Although, I am willing to admit could be only among certain circles. (By certain circles I mean the ones I know and love.)
The evening ended with a tshirt gift from Magic Cyclops and my body collapsing into my car after a day of airplanes and air guitar. Wax on...wax off, wax on...wax off.
Today I'm grateful for sleeping in, books, and job interviews.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wu wei, the action of non-action

It's the art of non-doing, which is spontaneous and effortless. No laziness or passive, rather, the experience of going with the grain or swimming with the current. Our contemporary expression, "going with the flow," directly expresses this fundamental Taoist principle, which in its most basic form refers to behavior occurring in response to the flow of the Tao (the Way).
It's one of the basises of the Tao and one I struggle with the most. I'm so used to accomplishing things by rushing around, writing to-do lists, fitting something into every last minutes of my day before I fall asleep. This way of living doesn't accomplish as much because I'm constantly chasing after something, instead of allowing it to chase after me (much more fun, obviously). Who doesn't want to be chased by jobs, men and the likes?
Once I leave yet again, this is the concept I most want to bring back with me. Plus, what a wonderful excuse to play "Fergalicious" as often as possible. (As if I needed one.)
Today I'm grateful for Holiday Cookie hot tea, chilly weather, and the anticipation of shopping.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
There's no place like "om."

Home sweet "om," or Yogaville I should say. I came back for a week of R&R (meaning yoga and meditation in yogi speak) and couldn't be more excited. I keep telling myself that's why I'm here...really I'm here because something keeps calling me back to this place.
I thought it was meditation or yoga, really it's just that I feel so peaceful when I'm here. Since I left I have been on the constant go and Yogaville offers me the time to be a human being, instead of a human doing - like usual. What I continue to forget is that I don't need to come here for that feeling. I have access to it all the time, for any many number of reasons I just find it easier to access here.
I feel so fortunate to have somewhere like this to come when my mind needs clearing and my body cleansing. It's especially fun because I don't have any work (I mean karmic yoga, pardon me). ;) Some of my my favorite are gone for the holidays, but seeing and spending time with Sam has been wunderbar! I'm amazed at how one person's presence can make somewhere feel so comfortable.
That's enough for now...there's no place like "om," there's no place like "om," and there's no place like "om." Oh my goodness! I'm here! (sorry, couldn't resist Wizard of Oz attempt at a joke.)
Today I'm grateful for winter boots, jackets with faux fur trim, and yummy food.
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