It was brought to my attention recently that Shrinky Dinks are quite possible the most dangerous toy, ever. Don't let me forget to mention this past holiday season I made a few at my parents house and almost cut my finger off with the large scissors required to go through thick plastic.
Who in the 1980s had the idea to let kids not only play with large scissors, but also hot ovens. Not a good idea for adults who don't cook - let alone children. Let's not forget about the burning plastic toxins emitted from said ovens once the cooking begins. Oh yes and be sure to get the Shrinky Dinks out in time so mom can put dinner in there AFTER the plastic fumes innundate the oven. Well, I have answered my own question. Who had the idea to let kids do this? Shrinky Dink ding dongs apparently!
Today I'm grateful for sleeping in, Elizabeth Gilbert's new book, and dining room chairs from Goodwill.
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