"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ice cream scoop blooper

While enjoying the ecclectic musical talent in Denver at UMS (Underground Music Showcase aka South by Southwest of Denver) this weekend I had a purely comical experience with my friend Stef. We were strolling a long on a lovely day admiring the weather and in conversation. Suddenly her ice cream scoop fell right off the cone. We had no idea what to say. After several moments of silence we starting laughing our heads off - finally realizing passerbyers had already done so. We rushed back to the ice cream place and she bought another cone, although I was shocked they charged her...when a five-year old drops a scoop, I'm sure they get one for free.

I realize this story is one of those "had to be there" moments, but I couldn't resist sharing. Particularly since I have a pic of Stef on our way back with her new scoop still feeling sad about her old one.

Today I'm grateful for Sweet Action, cameras, and jazz music.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Crouching tiger, hidden cockroach

I have a new roomie who has arrived in the form of a cockroach. It has been quite the morality rollercoaster deciding how to handle its move-in. I don't believe in harming sentient beings and as much as that insect/part rat scares me, I didn't have the heart to kill it. Instead I placed the creature under a clean, plastic container with a bowl on top until I figured out what to do with it. Several minutes later while I'm reading in bed I hear a noise and look over to see the little booger escaped!! Cockroaches are strong I realize, but it had a ceramic bowl on top for heaven's sake!!!! I heard they can live a week without a head and a month without food. It isn't everyday I have a superhero living under my fridge.
After avoiding my kitchen for a day and not eating, I couldn't go on this way. (I love naturally occuring rhymes.) I called the apartment manager and they brought a bug guy. Before allowing them into my apartment I needed to be certain they wouldn't kill it and instead create a barrier for it to enter my apartment again. They agreed and sprayed and I feel much better. Although I'm a tad worried after a month of hiding it will come out again for food...
Today I'm grateful for Liz, pancakes, and reading under a tree.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

From the Universe

For the past two years I've been receiving the Notes from the Universe (aka Mike Dooley). I can't believe I haven't shared sooner about the notes! Anyone/thing who uses phrases such as "crazy,sexy, cool" and on occassion "hubba hubba" has my upmost respect. For several moments a day through these emails I remember who I am and usually get chocked up, I hope they do the same for you.

*Happiness comes first, Becky. Partners, abundance, and cool shoes come later.
Or at least this is how I'd line up my duckies.Ungawa - The Universe
*Dreams create their own pathways, if you don't try to force things.
Taking action summons miracles, whether you recognize them or not.
And, Becky, it's never too late in the day for breakfast.Dream on, wild thing - The Universe

*Dearest Becky, I wish for you flowers and sunshine, gentle breezes and clear skies, calm seas and rainbows. But, perhaps most of all, I wish for you a glorious breadth of experiences so that these tidbits are mere icing on the cake, of a life that's rich in adventure.Huge hug - The Universe

*As many stars as there are in the night sky, Becky. As many grains of sand that exist on all the world's beaches. That's how often opportunity really knocks. That's how many second chances you really get. And that's how many voices whisper your name each day.You have no idea... The Universe

*Do you know what one of the most exciting things happening in time and space is right now, Becky?
Your life.Whooooooohooooooooooo! The Universe

*Rainbows and butterflies, cattails and dandelions, waterfalls and rainforests, puppy dogs and dragonflies, sea foam and orcas, sunshine and comets, snowflakes and ice cycles, wildflowers and Becky Farrar....Did I think of everything, or what? Crazy, sexy, cool, The Universe

*Love where you've been.
Love where you're at.
Love how you think.
Love the power you pack.
Love all that you seek.
Love all that you feel.
Love your rocking emotions
and the thoughts you make real.But mostly, amazing Becky, I really, really love you in this very moment. What? Loving you from every angle - The Universe

*Don't try to figure out the "hows" of it, Becky. That's not your job. You only need to know what you want, like a job. Then just follow your instincts and let the Universe figure out the hows.Think, think, and let go - The Universe

*I don't like to make predictions, but the way things are going, Becky, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this year you have a ball, go to a ball... and put the pics up on Facebook.You are so poised for the time of your life - The Universe

*Warming planet - check.Species on brink of extinction - check.Ice caps melting - check.Economies in chaos - check.Becky Farrar "in the house" - the one and only.Grab a seat. We're about to witness the most exciting comeback in history. How do you always get these leading roles? The Universe

Today I'm grateful for new places, new people, and news.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

BRM (Bicycle Riding Machine)

I'm unsure how it started, but somehow I became a bicycle riding machine. Today I went to the free Denver Botanical Gardens day and it just escalated from there - I couldn't get enough. (For future reference, don't go to the free days before 3 p.m., too many children's groups, not an ounce of serenity in the entire park.) Then I rode to the Post Office and the library, just kept going. Before I knew it I was planning my bike route for the entire week! This coming from the girl who has said on several occasions how much I deteste bicycles. Between a falling down spell and then a flat during a triathlon last year I had for the most part sworn off two wheels for life.

Now the bike sleeps with me, or at least close to it at the foot of my bed. Far away from the other bikes in the bike garage at my complex. It needs it's space and nurturing where I can see it and remember that at least for one day, I was a BRM.
Today I'm grateful for freedom, popsicles, and clean water.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Show and tell

There has been an ongoing "coolness" debate between my friend Stef and me about live musical performances. I prefer to call them "concerts" as I believe they have been called for the past 700 years. She prefers shows, it may sound more simple and not so easily confused with a philharmornic or other sort of concert, but show has too many meanings. Show reminds me of a thing in elementary school called "Show and Tell." No thanks, I do not want to see that live after the age of 10.

It has become a very personal decision what to call a live music performance. Maybe it depends on the location of said event. Performing Arts Complex = concert. Someone's basement = show. Why I'm writing an entire blog about this I have no idea other than it seems an important distinction for a decision. You see, I am going to a show/concert with Journey and Heart on Tuesday and am getting confused about what to call it. So confused I don't even know if I'm allowed to go.

Today I'm grateful for concerts, shows, and gigs.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rumi and love

Our task is not to seek for love but merely to find all the barriers within yourself you've built against it. - Rumi
This quote from wonderous Sufi poet Rumi has really described my internal struggle the past few weeks. I don't usually write about romantic love because I believe all love comes from the same place whether it's platonic, romantic, or spiritual. However lately romantic love has been a large part of my life. I'm learning to not need to have all the answers at once. I'm learning when I'm wishing things were different than they are it can't be love because love is acceptance. Most of all I'm learning what has held me back from truly loving others in the past.

It seems so obvious to me lately that the extent and capacity I'm able to love myself reflects how much I'm able to love and accept others. In the past few years I notice my capacity has only grown. This has been the greatest success in my life thus far.

Today I'm grateful for poetry, Rumi, and my new waterbottle.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

80s hair ornaments

I did a double take yesterday when I saw a woman wearing a banana clip (or jaw clip as another way they are known). Aren't those extinct? Thank goodness not it gave me several moments to bask in gratefulness of all things 80s hair ornaments. Most of my close friends know I sleep in a scrunchie. Yes, those large, fabric things worn on wrists when not in use. I used to make them in every color and pattern to match every outfit. They are wonderful to reducing hair breakage whilest sleeping. In my (and 80 hair ornament) defense, sleeping in 80s hair ornaments is completely different from wearing them in public - let alone in business casual attire.

I would also like to draw your attention to other 80s hair ornament such as bandanas and large puffy headbands. These two have also gone by the wayside (besides of course on Rock of Love) and I'm grateful. For heaven sakes just keep the scrunchie!
Today I'm grateful for my scrunchie, Harry Potter, and Dustin.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jump for joy

It's important to know I enjoy trampolines, particularly jumping on them naked in my living my room. Now that that's out of the way...trampolines, or rebounders, as they are often called have many benefits to health, such as:

-circulates oxygen,
-aids in lymphatic circulation.
-enhances digestion,
-stimulates metabolism,
-combats depression
-and much, much more!
At one time I toyed with the idea of creating a workout DVD series with different combinations of dance moves, boot camps, and kickboxing. Unfortunately, someone beat me to it about 30 years ago and is working on a revival of sorts as well. Now I just put in my "Jump" mix with classics from Van Halen, Destiny's Child, and Kris Kross for about 20 minutes and get my jump on. My body adores it and it's gentle on my joints. Even after I am off the rebounder my body wants to keep jumping for joy.
Today I'm grateful for Birkenstocks, second interviews, and faith.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cookie Monster

I could hardly believe my eyes this morning when I looked at my Whole Foods July events calendar...today is National Eat a Sugar Cookie Day. My first thought was wishing I had more time to prepare. I would have baked all night and given away cookies in the streets and to everyone in my building and possibly the entire city of Denver. Instead I spent $2 on a delicious vegan sugar cookie from a bakery down the street.
Celebrating anything in general appeals to me, particularly when a holiday involved food or is named after one. This year I will also enjoy a caramel apply on National Caramel Apple Day, and pie on National Eat Pie Day. By the way, it's important to note the entire month of July is Eat Ice Cream Month. Aren't holidays wonderful?

Today I'm grateful for cookies, printers, and new places.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Love at first snort

Is it too much to ask that everyone in the world snort when he/she laughs?? I sat next to a man in my Landmark seminar the other night who snorted - it made my night. You can't not love people who snort. There's something so human and uncool about it you just love them, at first snort.

My dad occasionally snorts when he laughs really hard and each time a spurt of love shoots through my heart. Then there's my friend Rachel you has a wonderful laughing snort I adore as well. It's such a genuine expression of joy. The more snorters in this world the better. It has a connotation of nerdiness that is completely unfounded.

I must confess I appear to have a serious case of love at first snort.

Today I'm grateful for sunsets, meditation, and Stef.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Opportunities exceed obstacles

I acknowledge I am a day late and probably a buck short on this posting. Happy 4th of July! I don't consider myself patriotic in the slightest until I realized I am. Usually patriotism seems associated with military and liking Wal-Marts - two things I'm not exactly in to. However, this holiday I found myself being so grateful for living a country where our opportunities far outnumber our obstacles. We have so many freedoms that allow us to follow our dreams and be self-expressed. Celebrating this holiday reminds me of the wonderful things that make this country where I am proud to live: diversity, spirit, liberty, dream, and so much more.
Thank you for my independence and opportunities galore.
Today I'm grateful for beignets, Mile Hi, and music.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Look Mom, I'm on the Interweb!

I would like to publicly address the new (possibly much cooler) word for the Internet, enter "Interweb." While it's an obvious combination of the World Wide Web and Internet I find it very sarcastic and therefore have decided to use it as frequently as I'm able. My first introduction was through Stef a while ago and then more recently in Penn Street Perk with a stranger. If people in my neighbor hood are using it I know it must be hip, and because of my desperate desire to look like I even remotely fit in I have no choice but to adopt the Interweb as my own.

Variations (according to Wikipedia, also found on the Interweb) include interwebz (I can't stand words ending in 'z's), interwibble, and intarwebs. I'll stick with Interweb and capitalize it always.

Today I'm grateful for oat bran, Qigong, and marzipan.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Funemployment (n.) - People who have found they enjoy being out of work.

Usage: "The funemployed write blogs, issue regular updates on social-networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and devote entire Websites to helpful advice and encouragement on how to make the most of the U.S. government's $475 weekly dole check."

The above is from the Times London and I couldn't resist admitting to the entire Interweb (see post on this new lexicon soon) that I'm officially funemployed. While I don't have a dole check to speak of, I do post regular (and by regular I mean once every few days, not incessantly) updates, and this post will serve as at least some sort of encouragement for those with a check to enjoy.

I dedicate this blog post to all the other funemployed folks, may you never look back and wish you were employed again. With love, Becky

Today I'm grateful for Buffalo Exchange, library, and Pridefest.