"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Looking on the bright side

So, this weekend my grandparents visited and I spent the entire time figuring out what really makes us so different. (Other than hair color and birth year of course.) After only two days it became glaringly obvious what not only differentiates me from them, but from other people who are more conservative. Drumroll please...it's my pure optimism.

The sunflower does the same thing, and always faces the sun and is therefore "enlightened." (yes, I totally just made this up and realize it's only a theory.) Being liberal/Democratic/hippie, I believe all things are possible. I believe marriage won't be ruined by the legalization of homosexual marriage. I believe and trust government to make informed decisions and put taxes to good use. I believe in the goodness of people and the possibility of peace being possible without weapons or war. Most of all I believe in the goodness of people and that there's a place for everyone at the table and in the world.
Even this recession has brought about a lot of really great things. People are getting back to basics, cutting down on consumption, and spending more time at home together. My grandparents tell me as I get older I will become more realistic, I tell them I hope I'll always look on the bright side.
Today I'm grateful for late night runs, coconut yogurt, and my pottery class.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Time out, for make out

The other evening at dinner with my friend Terri we had an intense convo (meaning conversation for those not into abbrev.) about making out. As many people may know (or will soon find out), I'm a huge fan of making out. Always have been and include it on my "I heart list" whenever the opportunity arises - so pretty much just on this blog or the occassional MySpace survey that I ignore.

In college I have to admit it was one of my most favorite past times. We used to call it "M.O." As in..."Did you M.O. last night?" or "How is the new M.O. buddy?" Today I don't do near enough of it.
However, making out doesn't receive the credit it deserves. It can really tell you a lot about someone. I realize men and women consider kissing very differently. A study done at the State University of New York found that women put more emphasis on kissing than me. We use it as a method of judging potential as a mate, to maintain intimacy, and the check the status of the relationship. I would agree wholeheartedly with the finding. It said men think of it as a precursor to sex, end of story. (Just like anything else.) ;) For women it's a method of testing and bonding...
Whatever it's used for...my advice, take time out to make out!
Today I'm grateful for my sister's engagement, Reeses milkshakes, and making out.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yes! Yes! Yes!

On a windy afternoon having accomplished everything I deemed necessary for the day (the beauty of being unemployed), I headed to Tinseltown to see "Yes Man." It's total hit or miss for me with Jim Carrey and I have to say I rather enjoyed this hit. Proved a very valid point I've set for myself as well. So often I find myself wanting to say no about something and when I really look at my logic it doesn't make sense besides simply not being a "yes" to life.

I give myself credit for being a yes woman the past year or so and can say my life has significantly become more joyful. Would I like to quit my job? Yes. How about work at a winery? Sure. In the movie the main female character Allison has a running club where they take pictures. Alas, I couldn't resist the temptation and have attached photos of my running photog experience.

I acknowledge being a yes to life takes courage. It's important to know when you're saying yes for the right reasons. When I say no to something, such as, "Would you like to be on Paris Hilton's new BFF show?" I look at why I say no. If it's out of resistance or silly concerns, yes becomes more possible. In instances such as above, no becomes the most obvious answer.
Here's to being a yes to life, to love, to taking photos while running.

Today I'm grateful for lazy afternoons, sweatpants, and yogic spirals.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I heart B.O.

Unfortunate initials Mr. Obama, I adore you either way, with or without body odor initials. I couldn't be more excited for you to enter the White House. You inspire me to do something and focus on something larger than myself at all times. For that I'm grateful. I love that you write your own speeches and believe in your daughters the way my dad believes in me.

The recession has been rough for many Americans and I have certainly let it get to me sometimes too. With your leadership I've realized what incredible things lie ahead and remembered that life always has ups and downs. The real test of an extraordinary human being is what he/she does with the downs. During the downs we elected you and in doing so once again set ourselves up for success.
Thank you for being you. For bringing hope to millions and renewing a nation - I'm sure of that.



P.S. If the position for the next "Obama Girl" becomes available, please keep me in consideration.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Lately things have been a tad tame and I haven't had much to chat about. However, I had a day yesterday (once again) that truly exemplifies the oddies of my life. It started with a speed dating training event. Not what I had in mind what so ever...the group was short on women. I had the privilege of joining the 40-55 age group for free! What a treat! The men kept asking me what I was doing there and all I could muster up was to say I was "older than I looked." Met some great guys and reaffirmed men do get better with age.

I would also like to admit for the record I can count on one hand the number of times I've changed out of sweats in 2009 and today was one of them.

However, last time I did a speed dating event I was asked back by everyone. I only had a 60% success this go 'round. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact I said I was about 26 going on 35. After an entertaining speed dating round I headed to my house for a "Feng Shui" party I planned as a way for people to get rid of old clothing and trade. We spent more time talking than exchanging, and I had a wonderful time. My sister showed up as a suprise!

Then it was off to a Jagermeister shift at Sodo's where I gave away free samples and avoided the rep I work for who was wasted and peer pressuring me into taking a shot. I said no and he informed me I was in the "wrong business." No shit. (On another note, have I ever used that word before on my blog? I think not.) Number one we're not supposed to drink on the job, number two if I were going to drink with anyone...he's the last one on my list.

I left the bar, after midnight and reveled in my life without stability of career, money, or much of anything at this point. What a lovely, perfect day.

Today I'm grateful for "Dirty Jobs" on Discovery, sleeping in, and hats when I'm too lazy to brush my hair.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Terms of endearment

My post on initials got me thinking about terms of endearment. Okay, it wasn't the post, it was actually that a homeless, lesbian called me her "boo" yesterday. I had a momentary moment (that is so redundant, I'm too lazy to care today) of joy thinking I knew her and she knew I called my cat "Boo" (as in short for Peek-a-Boo). I rarely call men I date by a term of endearment...jokingly sometimes hot lips or hot stuff, depending upon how much of an ego boost they appear to need. What's odd (or scary, same thing) I realized I have several "pet" names for my dog (oooooh fun pun there I just created). I call him pumpkin, lover, boyfriend, baby cakes, sweetie pie, and the embaressing list goes on and on.

I use goober more than any other loving words. Not sure what that says about me other than I'm still living from the 3rd grade.

Today I'm grateful for Perrier, steam rooms, and looking in the rearview mirror and seeing Taz's ears.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

That's hipster to you mister!

Among the 1.2 million other goals I've set for myself in 2009, I've made a firm commitment to the environment. Just like any good hippie who owns five pairs of Birkenstocks and shops excessively at Victoria's Secret, I feel it's my duty to spread the word about the easy ways to consume less and reuse more. Really though I've noticed it isn't a liberal or conservative issue any more. We're all in this together as human beings wanting to preserve our home. And for the record...I prefer the name "hipster" to "hippie."

This wouldn't be a Becky appropriate post without bragging a little about my own accomplishments in this area...My family has really been on the cutting edge of helping the environment for the past few years and I couldn't be more proud! We have a compost pile and have more recyclables than regular garbage. In college I was the Evian queen and only drank bottled water. Now I filter water, drink from the tap and use an aluminum bottle.

Each quarter, preferably around solstices and equinoxes, I will have a new list for seasonal ideas. A lot of them save you money too. Here are some easy ways you can help this season, and every day to preserve this magnificent home we call earth:

-Say no to ATM receipts and save paper (who wants to see the balance anyway?).

-Put car on cruise control to get better mileage and save wear and tear on the car.
-In winter warm up car only as long as recommended...usually only 30 seconds to a minute.
-Drink beer on tap, it saves the bottle and cuts back on packaging materials.

-Put a bottle of water into toilet tank to reduce water used during flushing (after you've used it of course...if you're really creative you can close the drain during a shower and recycle the water for plants and this sort of purpose).

-Don't every throw away shoes, clothes, or old bridesmaid dresses - they can be recycled at Goodwill or Nike. Cotton doesn't biodegrade and will stay in a landfill from high school until the time you retire!

-Once the gas pump stops pumping, don't top off the tank, releases chemicals into the air...that you breath too!

-Print on both sides of paper, don't print at all, or recycle!

-If you have cats use eco-friendly or biodegradeable litter. Regular litter is made with clay and other substances that can pollute landfills with toxins.

Finally, use companies, products and make suggestions to others on how to be more green...it is the new black, you know!

Today I'm grateful for my organic pumpkin muffins, sleeping in, and matinees.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bird is the word

I find it incredibly necessary for everyone to have a favorite word or phrase. I lean towards "goober" quite a bit or "jerkface." In the past I went on frenzies for "ubiquitous" and "maverick." For 2009 I will begin experimenting with words a tad more...shall we say...interesting. At the ashram my friend Arjun used the word "auspicious" almost seventeen times daily. Each time it made me giggle. It's a fantastic word and here's the definition according to dictionary.com:
1. promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable: an auspicious occasion.
2. favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate.
It's origin is Latin from "auspicium" meaning "divination by observing the flight of birds." In Greek history birds represent a connection to an omen. Eastern religions use the word frequently as in the eight auspicious symbols in Buddhism, the Chinese have auspicious numbers, and the Hindu God Shiva is considered the "Auspicious One."

May you and yours enjoy an auspicious 2009! And may I bring "auspicious" into style!

Today I'm grateful for waffles, being caught up, and getting over my flu.

Monday, January 5, 2009

"The City," not "Sex and the City."

I have a rant, which is also a confession at the same time...I avoid rants except when ultimately necessary. This has become one of those necessary moments. A few weeks ago on "The Hills Aftershow," (the confession begins here with the fact that I watch "The Hills") the host showed a magazine cover saying Whitney Port could be the next Carrie Bradshaw. Whitney seems nice and all, but she's no Carrie. For starters...an obvious difference, Carrie is fiction and Whitney is non-fiction or at least her show is somewhat reality-based. Yes, same city. Yes, both blond. Yes, both into fashion. I certainly see correlations; however, those few aspects don't make Carrie, Carrie. I don't hear the one-liners that make me love Carrie come from Whitney's mouth, or the clothes that are so incredible my mouth gaps open.

I'm somewhat offended (and yes a tad jealous) by this comparison as someone who continuously takes the "Which Sex and the City character are you?" tests online. Ninety-five percent of the time I take them my result is that I'm Carrie. (The other five I'm Miranda, but the kicker is always that I like gay men and enjoy writing.)

Here's how the silly (I mean seriously accurate) quizzes describe C.B., "You are Carrie. Cute, quirky and intelligent, men find it so easy to fall in love with you but things always seem to end in tears. you're a commitment-phobe and you find it really hard to get over your exes. Your dress sense is to die for and you blow most of your money on clothes, shoes and cocktails. Gay men love you."

There will never be another Carrie Bradshaw, that's why we love the character so much. Then again, I suppose there will never be another Whitney Port either...or at least let's hope not.

Today I'm grateful for MTV, Sex and the City, and The City.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reflections for a new year

Helen Keller said, "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all." I'm certainly with Helen on this one. 2008 brought plenty of adventure...and a lot of surprises, some I enjoyed more than others. This post serves as an acknowledgement to the things that happened, and those that didn't (such as still not living in Denver). Below are several highlights, and lowlights, I felt inclined to share...

*Moved in with my parents, learned basement dwelling isn't as bad as previously thought.
*Took trip back to town where I grew up - some things never change, such as small towns in the middle of nowhere in Germany.
*Lost my best friend and found out the guy I was seeing was married within one week - heart still aches on this one.
*Visited ashram and learned what skill it takes to do less and live more.
*Fell in love, and then returned to reality.
*Quit my job to pursue something more meaningful and have found just being alive gives me enough.
*How easy it is to be single and how full my life is already.
My top lessons from 2008 include:
*Learning to love the unknown
*Key to living is to be more of a human being, than human doing
*When you follow your dreams the universe/God/the Source takes care of the rest
*Everything is exactly as it should be - pure perfection.
2008 was the year I embraced the unknown and not knowing. Scary stuff, but also incredibly rewarding. It got me the opportunity to meet Rider Strong, didn't it? Hope your 2009 is full of much love, light...and adventure!
Today I'm grateful for concerts, staying up until 3 a.m., and optimism for the New Year.