One of my favorite quotes is 'It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised; the mosquito is swatted." by Marie O'Conner. Time is indeed precious and being busy isn't call it's cracked up to be.
Time is a non-renewable resource and how we use it is well to be blunt - everything. It defines how we live our life, minute, by precious minute. Since taking on following my dreams this has become more and more evident. I have had my feelings hurt on many occassions by people "bee"ing too busy or overwhelmed to spend time with me. I completely remember the days I didn't get to eat a single meal or was so stressed I couldn't sit still, let alone make time for a friend. My heart goes out to lives spent on things I didn't enjoy or did just because I thought I had to. I just can't relate to that way of living anymore and I do think it has impacted several of my relationships.
Living a life of inspiration has changed that for me. Now I want nothing more than my time to be spent with people I love, staring at clouds, meditating, working out, and spending time each day creating work I love. Allowing my days to unfold without the illusion of scarcity of money or time..
Beeing free of time and busyness has certainly made life sweet, like honey, and without the sting. =)
Today I'm grateful for Garden of the Gods, almond butter cake, and Jennifer.
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