Then those moments of clarity arise and I remember I'm not my money - what I owe or have or spend. I realize in the moment of where I am all is wonderful. There is a roof over my head (thank goodness, especially today since it was snowing), food in my belly and clothing on my back. The rest are just details and I work hard to remind myself of that a lot.
Lately I get really put off when people say they can't afford something. It really isn't a matter of affording it or not...it is more about what we choose to invest in or not. We afford what we want to afford. If someone really wants something, we find a way to get it.
That being said I have money for what I want and if not, I'm learning to wait until I do. Money is a tool and can do a lot of good, but having it or not doesn't define me. I define me, and then the money will follow.
Today I'm grateful for my small, but substantial savings account, starting new, and IRS (okay, only sometimes the last one).
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