"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dear Universe...

Dear Universe,
Lately I haven't created the abundance in my life to afford the things I truly love and love doing. Will you please give/send the following things my way? (or something better if you see fit?) I realize my half birthday isn't until November.

-part-time job during day hours with people interaction, little responsibility and close to my apartment, making at least $15 per hour.

-nice haircut and partial highlight - kind I used to get and spent a lot of money on. Could really use a major discount now.

-hugely discounted or scholarship to Samadhi's fall yoga teacher training

-my blog to have an updated layout with bright colors and lots of pictures

-studio in San Fran available in January in the Mission

-another pair of Tom's shoes

-dress from Marianne and Ginger

-Anthropology clothes

Thanks! Today I'm grateful for my desires, window plants, and my windchime.

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