"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Letting go, surrender into October

October represents a time of letting go, surrendering, and in some ways grief. Fewer hours of daylight, trees releasing leaves, etc. My sister's wedding this weekend felt as a nod to letting go of our childhoods. Here's a poem below by one of my favorite writers, Winnie Shows, I feel it really signifies the idea of letting go:

This is important
I have to help you go.
Stoic in rush hour traffic
And tired of watching you pack,
I pretend to be a good sport and
Pick up your tickets.
Outside the FedEx building I crumbled
as grief thundered through.
Your tickets in one hand,
passport in the other.
I thought of burning both.
Then, like a mourning mother
shrouding her dead child,
I knew: Accepting is not enough.
I have to help you go.
Must send you on your journey,
Or I can't resume mine.

In June, I released and surrendered a relationship to something bigger. This poem really hit home, I helped the departure occur, instead of resisting it. The same way my father paid for my sister's wedding to "give her away." On the other side of grief and letting go is something beautiful...a new beginning. This month I release knowing the future and letting October work its magic.

Today I'm grateful for my new red dress, release, and changing leaves.

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