"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What's your credo?

After almost 10 years with AT&T it was time to switch my mobile carrier. Sometimes we outgrow even the most simple relationships such as our choice service providers. It can be a little scary, as a lot of changes are and in the end only time will tell if it was for the greater good. This time I am certain it was for the greater good. Credo mobile is my new company of choice. Not only are they environmentally friendly (the only company to print their bills with soy ink and 100% recycled paper), they also donate 1% of phone charges to progressive nonprofits you vote on.

In one phone call to Credo I am paying signficantly less for my service (right now there's a special through March for 1000 minutes and 1000 test messages for $49.99!!), get a free new phone, begin donating money to causes I care about, and supporting a company with green practices. Best yet, they bought out my contract with AT&T and am making the cancellation call for me (what a relief so I don't even have to have an official break up)!

Ready to recreate your credo? Then check out Credo Mobile: http://www.credomobile.com/ As they say, it isn't just a network...it's a movement.

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