Indeed summer is winding down, evidenced by more hours of darkness and kids at the bus stop. I have to say my summer was full, particularly the past few weeks. I have made quite an effort to do something new every week and lately every day. Here are some of my highlights: shuffleboard at Acacia Park, Pat Benetar in concert, giving away free hugs downtown by myself, quitting my job, Mile High Music Festival, trip to city where I lived in Germany, learning I was a master at hula hooping, setting a record with DDR at Mr. Biggs, going to Pups on the Patio at Nosh, Butterfly Pavilion, and my most powerful learning experience as of yet - letting several people out of my life whom I really love.
Although summer is ending, my days of light (enlightenment) are just beginning with a trip to Las Vegas, the city of eternal summer (parties). I'll be there for a week where I will stay with my high school friend Andrew and enjoy his pool and business savvy (mostly his pool). Then I leave Sept. 12 for Yogaville (yes, I give them only two points for name originality), an internationally recognized ashram (read as yoga and meditation retreat center) in Virginia near where I was born. I stay there for four or five weeks where I will do pretty much a mental detox (I fully expect one if not five mental breakdowns surrounding not making to do lists).
After that I'm home for a few weeks then leave for China with the family (I adore my Mom and Daddyo for taking me). Get back on Oct. 31, then the sky's the limit...several options I'm considering: winery, working at orphanage overseas, or living in the basement a bit longer. (Vague, I know. I am attempting to minimize much of my over planning tendencies.)
No, I don't have a lot money saved and yes, I am having another quarter-life crisis. Pretty much I'm ready to make a difference and want to experiment with other lifestyles (not those kind, necessarily) before committing to a new job or location.
Today I'm grateful for Shannon picking me up when I got locked out (again), pictures, and the DNC.
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