This morning I watched my friend throw three aluminum cans and a plastic water bottle into the trash...while I wept silently at the kitchen table. Yes, I realize not everything that gets put into the recycle bin is appropriately disposed of; however, I think it's important to take small steps to be earth conscious and recycling is a great way to start. We live on a beautiful, lovely planet and I can't understand not wanting to preserve it.
So, I did what comes naturally to me when I feel upset about a social cause - I want to buy a t-shirt. In this case I decided to design one (my second t-shirt design of many I see in the future)!
Above is it, I may add a "r" after "you" so it doesn't sound quite so harsh. My desire isn't to call people names, but I do think it's a sassy approach to being green. I need to order a minimum of six before they will print them. Let me know if you're interested!
Today I'm grateful for books, gyms, and trampolines.
Count me in on being chased by men.
P.S. I changed my blog. The new title is http://stuffaboutthingsilike.blogspot.com/
CONGRATULATIONS! on your "Retirement" and Thanks for sending me your blog info.
I used to work for a Recycled Products Company, so make sure the t-shirts are either made from post consumet recyecled textiles or recycled plastics.
Oh, you and you "green" folk!!
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