My one month anniversary with Man Francisco was yesterday. Boy oh boy am I glad I didn't write an entry yesterday - we were not happy together. For starters my toilet was broken and for four days (yes, four days as in 96 hours) I couldn't flush it. I felt homeless having to constantly find places to use the restroom. On top of that a hoard of cockroaches seemed to have found a new home in my lovely apartment. If that that weren't gross enough, I had some sort of allergic reaction and my hands swelled up and I itched all over. And of course it was raining as happens in the "rainy season" and my umbrella broke on my walk to get roach deterent. Have I also mentioned my creepy neighbor next door or the folks living above me who have REALLY loud fights and sex at 3 a.m.? Add to the fact I'm spending too much time alone and studying far too much - and we all know what they say about all work and no play. Makes Becky dull and kinda weepy.
I'm happy to say after our brief quarrel we have communicated our differences and the honeymoon phase is back in full effect with 60 degree sunny skies and a wonderful class today. (I also bought a pound of bay leaves as I have heard this deters roaches.) I also treated myself to a cookie at a bakery 30 paces from my front door (I counted today) to celebrate the momentous occasion. The storms will come and go with Man Francisco, but it looks as though I'm in it to stay (as long as my toilet gets fixed).
Today I'm grateful for sunshine, the great folks in my Enviro Ethics course, and my favorite sweatshirt.
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