Shortly after moving to SF...I received an offer I couldn't pass up, actually could - and did. You see, I got the offer to be a call girl, or escort if you will. In my naivety I didn't quite understand what that was until I did more research on trusty omniscient friend named Google. In college I was told by a friend's mother that I would make an excellent call girl. I took it as a compliment (implying I have a charming personality to match my looks) and have been carrying it with me for several years. Alas my chance arrived in the form of a proposition at a bus stop and when the moment came turns out I just don't have what it takes to be one.
I don't consider myself a romantic, but apparently I am. Being paid to entertain with my personality works just fine, however, being paid for personality and possible physical intimacy, not my thing. While I don't judge women who decide to take this route, I still want sex (or making love if you will since I have just confessed to being romantic) to be something shared with someone I feel intimately connected with non-physically first. (All of this aside, I would be required to wear acrylic nails and more than likely have to shave my legs more regularly - no thanks!)
While I realize confessing this offer on the Interweb may not be entirely appropriate considering it's still somewhat of a hush hush topic, but it was a defining moment for me about what I will and won't do for money. I hadn't thought much about it until now. It appears I will not be on call, and now actually know what that means.;)
Today I'm grateful for umbrellas, soup, and lots of tea.
Three cheers for having morals...and stuff. This brings up avery deep and thought provoking idea for me. Or you. One of us should write a list of things we wouldn't do for money...I bet there's a lot.
Great animation, and writing. I'll look forward to reading this site for a long time.
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