As good ol' O.W. (Oscar Wilde that is) once said "Loving yourself is the beginning of a life-long romance." More self-lovin' isn't the only thing I'll be receiving from my mental detox. The amount you love yourself is really only reflection of how much you love others. I want to love myself so much that love for others just pours out of me and floods.
Now let's get back to my concerns...another one being the whole 5 a.m. wake-up thing. When the swami called to say I was accepted into the program she noted all of my references voiced concerns about me getting up so early. How well people know me, and what honest references I have! I'm hoping upon arrival and several morning wake ups at 5 a.m. they will see the need for me to have more sleep. My bitter hatred for the world or inability to control my appendages will most likely be a key indicator.
Another "rule" is not wearing tight clothing. Even yoga pants are tight, how do people avoid this one besides owning an entire wardrobe of mumus?? I have packed sweatpants and large tshirts, this will also be a fairly good disguise for hiding extra food under my shirt and possibly meat contraband.
Now for pros: more time to myself for reading, writing, brainstorming, running, hiking and journaling (the Dear Diary, it's me Margaret kind). Yes, as suspected these far outweigh waking up early (maybe), no meat, and tight clothing stipulations. Excitement is a brewin'!
I am curious what kind of "flexibility" exists in an environment with such appearing rigidity and schedule. Who knows, maybe some of the flexibility will rub off on me? Just don't take away my 15-minute increment schedule and I will be fine.
Today I'm grateful for Eckhardt Tolle, Community for Spiritual Living, and the basement inhabitants (aka a bazillion spiders).
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