I am reading Tim Prentiss' 4-Hour Work Week (is there something seriously wrong with me that I'm uber annoyed that they didn't spell out "4?"). He had me at "MTV breakdancer in Taiwan." Really, the list of awesome things Tim has done (I assume we will be on first name basis b/c I'm determined to meet him) sends shivers up my spine. He lives the life I dreamed of in my office whiles staring at one of my motivational poster before quiting my job.
The job market of today varies dramatically from that of our parents and grandparents. Working a 9 to 5 (which I don't believe exists anyway) isn't the only option and certainly isn't one I want to continue being a part of. I worked at least 40 hours a week for 4 years and realize I was living around 2 percent of life in leisure or vacation.
It's human being, not human working or human doing. I'm ready to enjoy my life and spend money on things that matter. As much as I love my new H&M clothes, I have no experiential gain or anything added to my life. I'm committing the next several months to this new philosophy. I'm creative and intelligent enough to have my money work for me, instead of the other way around.
I quit my job to have a life of adventure for a few months and then return...why limit myself? Why does adventure stop once I get a job again? Why do I even have to get a job again? Just call me Four-hour Farrar, and Tim Prentiss-worshiper.
Today I'm grateful for queso dip, laptops, and the Office Depot where I bought my book.
I always love new books to read. Right now I am reading Zahir by Paulo Coehlo. Loooooove him.
I think you might kill me, but I won't be able to do it this Saturday. My brother is on his R&R from Iraq, and my mom has scheduled for us to do this big family picture thing Saturday before he goes back. Do you know when the next one is? Cause it is something I really, really, really, really want to do.
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