I don't usually write two blogs in one day, but had to make an exception today because of Rosh Hashanah and I really want to celebrate it. It's the first day of the High Holidays (or HiHos as Sam claims it is called for short). I just spent an hour with a Jewish swami talking about it and I don't remember as much as I want to, but I do know you ask for entry into the Book of Life. We ate apples with honey to signify a "sweet year" and blew a shofar (ram's horn). The parts of the holiday include asking for forgiveness for transgressions, prayer, and charity.
Ever since my philosophy of religion class in college I've been enamoured by the Jewish faith. It intrigues me and seems to be more of a philosophy I could be a part of instead of a strict dogma, which has turned me off in the past.
Today I'm grateful for honey, iron pills, and my last piece of dark chocolate waiting upstairs.
Hi Beck! Hope you're well. :) -m
Hi Becky! I was just checking in to see how you are doing and to let you know that I saved Franklin from a very near death experience. He was completely drooped over the edges of his pot because I was bad and didn't give him water for quite some time. He's back though -I gave him a drink and he perked right back up! yeah! :)
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