"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Monday, April 5, 2010

Two years and counting

Today marks the second anniversary of my blog and I realize this is quite possibly the longest amount of time I have committed anything (besides my college education). Anniversaries bring about a time of reflection, here's what I've learned since having this blog and sharing myself so openly  about what life is like "Being Becky:"
  • My tendency is towards avoiding commitment - except when it comes to this blog.
  • I enjoy writing about baked goods, a lot. Especially if they start with "cup" and end with "cake."
  • Most likely I will always be a little snobby and like to make fun of people's grammar (that's what grammarians do after all).
  • When I don't feel like writing or sharing myself is exactly when I should.
  • Writing makes me feel good and if that's the only  reason I do it - so be it.
  • Life never ceases to amaze me.
Today I'm grateful for Blogspot, new template designs, and courage to share myself.

Here's my first post and a dorky shirt I made about my blog:
"B" is for "Becky" and "Blogging"

Wow, I'm excited to have a blog, but fully acknowledge it is quite possibly one of the most egotistical things I have ever done (besides owning more clothing and underwear than anyone I know). In college I had some lame column (and yes, I am an SJP wannabe at heart) about my adventures of pretty much making an idiot of myself...this just seemed right up my alley. Plus, my BFF (best friend forever) has a new BF (boyfriend), so this BF (Becky Farrar) needs to find more ways to occupy her time besides bother her! I don't really believe people will read my blog religiously or have it inspire them to become a dorky blonde girl (Lord knows we don't need any more of them), but I do want it to be a clearing for growth. My hope is to share things people can relate to and know they're not alone in what they feel. More importantly I want this to be a blog about reminding me of who I am - love, joy and vitality.

I look forward to sharing myself on this rollercoaster/journey/crazy thing called life with all of you. I plan to update it frequently - particularly at 4:57 p.m. on Fridays where there isn't anything else I can possibly accomplish worthwhile at work...

I will end every post with three things I'm grateful for. Why you ask (or don't because you don't really care)? Because every night before I go to bed I write them down in a book on my nightstand and enjoy realizing how much I have.

Today I'm grateful for: cinnamon tea, pedicures, and the cute guy at Rico's.

1 comment:

Tammy Richards Brislin said...

Here's to 2 year commitments/anniversaries and you Keep right on bloggin, girl!