"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Old Maid of Honor

Tomorrow officially begins the madness that is my sister's wedding weekend. And as the Old Maid of Honor I'm in charge of the bachelorette party!! And no, the picture to the left is not of the party, rather a normal sisterly photo at Red Rocks. I was of course voting for half-naked men and body shots for the b.p. (bachelorette party of course, not blood pressure); the bride would prefer the season opener of the Avalanche and a sports bar. The idea of the perfect last night of singledom isn't where our differences end.

Lots of people make a pity face when I tell them I'm in my little sister's wedding this weekend. The truth is she isn't my little sister - she's three inches taller than I am and most days seems to have her life far more put together than I do. She's an accountant by trade and I am certain a gym teacher or Wonder Woman by true nature. It would be a lie to say I'm shocked she's getting married before "I do" (unintentional that turned to intentional wordplay)...my parents even predicted it when we were young. Guess you could say she's more traditional, in a liberal way, and I'm what our family calls the "free spirit."

Her wedding isn't so much making me want my own as left me wondering where time went. How did my younger (notice not using adjective "little") sister become old enough to get married? Someday I'll know and hopefully that someday is before I make my Maid of Honor toast!

Today I'm grateful for relatives in town, rowing machines, and free heads of lettuce.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Batty about bats!

I'm officially batty about bats! Hayley had a purely ingenius idea to attend a talk at the Denver Nature & Science Museum about bats. The flying mammal called the bat has the intelligence of a cat and the cuteness factor of a puppy. On top of loading up on useless trivia knowledge about the only animal in the chiroptera order, I remembered how sacred it is to be in the presence of animals (not just fish, birds, cats, dogs, and squirrels)...wild animals. Each live bat the conservationist brought out was curious about the audience (one even crawled out of its cage to get a better view). It was as if animal and human wanted a closer connection. What a beautiful concept that animals want to know us as much as we want to know them. I don't know about you...I'm ready for a bat house!

Today I'm grateful for Cirque du Soleil, pumpkin spice at Starbucks, and quiet Friday evenings.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Food Inc.

See the above mentioned movie or risk possible death (either that or be extremely grossed out by seeing it). Everyone and his/her mother (and father, and sister, and brother, and grandbrother) should see it. How strange we don't seem to question where our food comes from. Sometimes I'm of the mindset "ignorance is bliss;" however, when it comes to what I put in my body I don't have that luxury. In the film, filmmaker Robert Kenner examines our nation's food industry - good, bad, and downright ugly. He looks at what happens to genetically altered foods and how they affect us. It wouldn't be a productive documentary with some sort of education and what to do to help. Most of the suggestions are ways for certain industries to stop being so in demand and allow other healthier industries to become more prevelent. (For starters visit www.takepart.com/foodinc)

Here's what I gathered from the movie and the Website about the simple things we can do to encourage positive change in the food industry:
1. Stop drinking sodas and other sweetened beverages.
2. Eat at home instead of eating out.
3. Support laws that require fast food restaurants to post calorie information.
4. Tell schools to stop selling sodas, junk food, and sports drinks.
5. Meatless Mondays - one day a week without meat makes a big difference.
6. Buy organic and sustainable food with little to no pesticides.
7. Go to farmers' markets, support local food.
8. Make a point to know where your food comes from - read labels.
9. Tell Congress food safety is important to you.
10. Demand job protections for farm workers and food processors, ensuring fair wages.

Today I'm grateful for documentaries, food stamp programs, and my new blender.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Falling into fall

Happy Fall Equinox; a day of equal light and dark, yin and yang, masculine and feminine. In one word a day of balance before the change of seasons. Fall in Colorado can only be described as breath taking - colorful aspens, slight chill, and warm sun. Change in every sense of the word seems abound during this time. It truly is a reflection of the change we want, what we see, and who we are. I read somewhere the majority of people sign up for counseling in fall, knowing they need change and wanting it. What a beautiful and wonderous time of year, I have no qualms about falling head over heels into fall.

Today I'm grateful for homemade chocolate chip cookies, berry tea, and creamy oat bran.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back in the saddle again

Not just any saddle - a beautiful saddle with gold trim, and glamour to boot (similar to the one with Christina Aguilera above). This week my life suddenly became a bucking bronco/crazy carousel ride (complete with being introduced to "Mutton Bustin" story for another time). After a year of retirement I'm now back to working full-time (for a job I love), doing yoga teacher training 10 hours a week, studying, seeing friends, and maintaining good nutritional practices (or at least to the best of my ability).
I'm reminded that yoga and other spiritual practices become obsolete without "real world" testing. It's easy to stay grounded in love and peace when I have time to meditate twice a day. Not so easy when I have to get myself to leave my desk during a stressful afternoon to do it. Now's my practicum to see what I've learned during my retirement. Get myself back into the saddle and on with life.
Today I'm grateful for breakfast burritos, night rides on my bike, and Project Runway.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Carless wonder

I made huge commitment today to the environment by selling my car to a salvage yard...did I mention there wasn't one to replace it? How wonderful my car will go towards helping other cars stay running. It's like organ donation..without the death! Okay, more like automobile recycling.

As I walked away from my car I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. The Maxi (Maxima in case you haven't met before) and I have been through so much together. So many fond memories of jamming to music, coming up with creative ideas, mini road trips, car accidents, and even making out with guys. That car has been a part of my life for 10 years and after 230,000 miles was ready for retirement. Alas, I can't drive a car looking in the rearview mirror (not that I have one anymore); the time has come to move on and so I shall. Farewell fair Maxi. In the words of Karla I'm now a "carless wonder" and still in the driver's seat - with or without a car.

Today I'm grateful for salvage yards, runs in Monument Valley Park, and oranges.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mind and soul

As humans we all have this struggle between two very different parts of our being. Different science and spiritual teachings call it different things...the ego, meaning making machine, reptilian brain. Then there's the side of us that comes from love, peace, and spirit at all times. Depending upon which part of us currently runs our lives our experience becomes very different or difficult in some instances.

My journey of consciousness has come about by being able to recognize when I'm in which place and then decide what to do next. When I'm stressed or running around a mile a minute, it's about appreciating my mind and brain. When I'm taking time for me and enjoying a butterfly, it's about appreciating my soul. Both parts of equal importance to life. Here's a kinda sorta poem I wrote about it (certainly not Seventeen magazine material):

My mind asks questions and my soul knows the answers.
My mind closes doors and my soul opens windows.
My mind forgets and my soul remembers.
My mind wanders and my soul commits.
My mind moves to past/future and my soul stays present.
My mind achieves and my soul conceives.
My mind speaks and my soul listens.
My mind craves control and my soul surrenders.
My mind screams now and soul whispers whenever.
My mind looks for fear and my soul finds faith.

Today I'm grateful for my mind, heart, and body.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I heart strangers (and Josh Langlais)

Last week I went to a reception for a new show at City O City, what a wonderful excuse to by a cupcake! The show, I Heart Strangers, stole my heart. A collection of photos of a different person everyday for a year, and beyond. What a beautiful concept to not only meet someone new, but hear their story. My friend Liz and I had a wonderful time chatting with the photographer and pretending I was cool enough to be there.

Check it out for your self:

Today I'm grateful for Internet at the library, Dell on call, and time with my sis.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Yes, I have been called a tease

Particularly after a class at Tease Studio off Pearl near Wash Park. I love this place! The owner, Jen Fornberg, started it several years ago after being classically trained ballet dancer. Classes range from "Booty Box" (Tease version of kickboxing) to pole dancing, and even candlelight yoga and zumba. It has classes to enhance my tease status and actually get in shape.

My real reason for writing is to mention the studio's two-year anniversary party on Sept. 11. There will be my favorite food of all time (cupcakes), champagne, giveaways, classes, and live music. Is that a "teaser" or what?

Hope to see you there!

Today I'm grateful for live music, dancing, and changing leaves.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9-9-9 Numerology

While some (possibly many) will argue numerology has no merit, it is fun and that's pretty much why I like it. (That and it was a great closing page for every issue of Seventeen magazine!) The number 9 reflects completion and ending of the old...how perfect for it to begin the fall season. What's creepier is that 9+9+9=27 and 2+7=9!? Okay maybe now I'm going overboard...

I always thought it was fun to see which numerology is your birthday. This is said to tell you how close you are to your soul not being reincarnated (I know, now it's getting kooky). My birthday is May 20, 1982 so the numerology would be 5+2+0+1+9+8+2=36. Then 3+6=9...according to this I would start all over at 1 in my soul's next life. Fun thing to try...

On 8-8-8 I wrote a blog on the significance of 8 in Chinese tradition; however, the number 9 has a lot of significant meanings as well...

-9 planets in solar system (or used to be, darn Pluto!)
-It is the product of 3X3 and three is the number of balance in mind, body and spirit.
-It takes nine months for a human baby to fully develop in the womb.
-In history, number nine was a sacred number in both Egypt and Greece.
-In religion, the hierarchy of angels has nine choruses.
-The Buddhists see the sky divided into nine celestial levels.
- In Islam there are nine spheres in the universe.

Today I'm grateful for Cheesman Park, Denver Film Society, and my communication.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


My past several Whole Foods trips have resulted in Kombucha purchases. I'm intrigued by this flavorful, carbonated, yumminess of a tea. How can a drink (a drink made of bacteria and yeast non the less) accomplish so many things and taste so delectable?? Here are the health benefits to my knowledge - I am sure they extend well beyond this...

-Most commonly reported benefit has been an increase sense of well-being. Not very measureable, and I'll take it!
-Natural source of many nutrients such as Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and minerals.
-Contains live cultures for balancing friendly bacteria in the intestinal track.
-Several acids that detox, rebuild, and have antibiotic qualities.

There you have it folks, my not very well researched or long list of benefits, although I realize my blog isn't meant for scientific evidence. While true the drink had have adverse side effects if not fermented properly...I trust Whole Foods to select the best brands for me to imbibe. Benefits or not, this drink tastes yummy and gives me a pick-me-up...what more do you need??
Today I'm grateful for my time at the ashram, Bronco's game tonight, and seeing my parents this weekend.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Power struggle

So often I notice a power struggle within me, as if the me I want to be and the me I am can't compromise. The me I am doesn't want to take responsibility for the way the things are (good bad, and ugly). The me I want to be wants to recognize myself as cause in the matter of it all (good, bad, and ugly).

There is something in my life that holds me back from taking responsibility and it's usually that I can still use excuses, blame other people or circumstances, and I get to be right. Not being the author of my life has cost me something and it's living my life fully. I don't work on changing an experience, I just accept it as it is. When I share the experience it becomes just that and loses its hold on me.

As Stephen Covey says, the true battle is between your disciplined and undisciplined self. The disciplined me sat down to write and the undisciplined keeps looking at Facebook after every few sentences...;) Maybe the really struggle is just accepting this...the good, bad, and the ugly.

Today I'm grateful for Facebook, my cell phone, and my lost luggage.