"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Friday, April 8, 2011


In the words of Charlie Sheen, and many others before him...winning! This week has been full of winning for me. First, I won cupcakes from my favorite cupcake bakery – Cups and Cakes Bakery. I put my business card in and a week later...voila! Get to go get six of my favorite flavors. What a treat! Win!
Now for the second one, I am kind of really into decorating my apartment and entered a design contest with Dezign with a Z and won second place! Dezign with a Z apparently this post is mostly advertising and bragging, apologies) is a local SF company who specializes in wall decal. When I say "kind of really" what I mean is obsessive. For some reason my nesting insticts are of Superwoman caliber.

Thirdly, and this one may seem minor to some...I won $10 gambling in Vegas! That's right, ten whole dollars. I put in $1 and got back $10. It's celebrating the small wins that really makes the difference.

And finally, I won tickets to a Janet Jackson Flash Mob event from http://www.sf.funcheap.com/!?

Today I'm grateful for winning, luck, and abundance.

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