"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hayes Valley haze

I'm not so much in the polluted, smoggy haze as in the moving, overwhelm type. Hard to believe I've been in San Fran (been told not to call it that, but I can't resist) for almost a week! What have I been doing?? Well, mostly distracting myself from feeling lonely by scouring Craigslist and reorganizing constantly. School starts this week and hopefully make things a bit easier for a distraction. I'm already finding it difficult to go from a large, comfortable community to one that consists of just me. In the meantime I will enjoy the lovely weather and exploring this marvelous city!

My neighborhood (Hayes Valley in case the blog title didn't give it away) has a wonderful array of shopping, bakeries, and yoga studios. Hopefully the haze will "move" on through and I'll be left with the sweet, bakery sort!

Today I'm grateful for my cell phone, maps, and Craigslist.

1 comment:

Big Jenny said...

Have fun with your new adventures!