"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Meet her, Skeeter!

I have a favorite yoga instructor, her name is Skeeter, which I find to be a lovely name. So lovely in fact I might just name my first born after her. Picture this...a tough British (gulp, or possible Irish, I'm not sure and am embaressed to ask) gal with lots of tattoos whom might intimidate me on the street (as is common for me when people have visible tattoos), when she opens her mouth pure yoga poetry escapes. The moment she tells me to "close my beautiful eyes" I'm entranced by her yogic spell where my breath and heart mind take over.

In case you want to hear/experience it for yourself she teaches Mondays and Wednesdays at Yoga Kula (my favorite Anusara style-based studio) on 16th and Mission from 7:45 until 9:15ish p.m. (not a.m. or you will miss the prostitutes on the corner). Below is her bio:

"Skeeter has been teaching for three lovely years. She has studied with Katchie Ananda, Noah Maze and has done trainings with John Friend, Desiree Rumbaugh and Jim Bernaert. Currently she is taking part in the Anusara Mentor program led by Abby Tucker. Skeeter very much enjoys the emotional evolution that comes from the practice of Anusara yoga. She honours the peaceful warrior nature that is uniquly revealed in each of us, through this journey called yoga. Skeeter's purpose is to create a safe space for all students to arrive on their mat, practice the beautiful art of unfoldment and connect to true authentic self. She welcomes you to your mat, however you find yourself there."

Today I'm grateful for Skeeter (duh!), Yoga Kula, and Alex for telling me about her class.

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