For some reason when I hear someone say, "Merry Christmas," instead I hear, "You are Christian and you just don't know it." There are theories that Christmas was actually scheduled around a Pagan holiday (solstice), to help Pagans adapt after changing religions. (Holiday origination fascinates me.) I completely acknowledge majority of Americans celebrate Christmas; however, I don't like assuming everyone does. Some people call it PC, I prefer wanting to just be inclusive and not have anyone feel left out, which I assume they already do if they get told Merry Christmas all the time.
What's funny to me is that the actually root words of Christianity I believe in and love, for some reason what it has stood for in the past hundred years is what pushes me away. I believe Jesus lived and was an extraordinary human being, like the Buddha or Mohammed. Christ comes from the Greek word, christos (sp?) meaning light and lord comes from Armanian (sp?) word meaning life. I can't think of more beautiful words to represent this season - light and life.
Okay, really this post serves no other purpose than to apologize for being a Scrooge, and second to wish you a Happy Holidays, or Merry Christmas...whichever you prefer. =)
Today I'm grateful for holiday cards, fireplaces, and cookie tea.
Cookie tea?
I think it's sad Happy Holidays has become such a controversial thing. Didn't it used to mean Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, all rolled into one? You know, litterally HOLIDAYS? I can't speak for others, but as a Chirstian when I say Merry CHristmas I mean Merry Christmas. And if you're not a Christian I just want you to have a merry December 25th whether you celebrate it or not. Sorry for the rant, it just really bothers me how some Christians make the rest of us look like judgemental idiots.
By the way, I really enjoy reading your blog.
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