"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cookie Monster

I could hardly believe my eyes this morning when I looked at my Whole Foods July events calendar...today is National Eat a Sugar Cookie Day. My first thought was wishing I had more time to prepare. I would have baked all night and given away cookies in the streets and to everyone in my building and possibly the entire city of Denver. Instead I spent $2 on a delicious vegan sugar cookie from a bakery down the street.
Celebrating anything in general appeals to me, particularly when a holiday involved food or is named after one. This year I will also enjoy a caramel apply on National Caramel Apple Day, and pie on National Eat Pie Day. By the way, it's important to note the entire month of July is Eat Ice Cream Month. Aren't holidays wonderful?

Today I'm grateful for cookies, printers, and new places.

1 comment:

Flower Mound Mom said...

Gosh, wish I would have known it was eat Sugar Cookie Day.
I would have totally have loved to celebrate!!
Maybe next year!