"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Monday, June 14, 2010

Facebook Fast - Day 1

It has recently come to my attention I might be "Facehooked," so I have decided upon a Facebook fast lasting approximately one week in length. My blog will serve as a way to document the ways I have spent my time when the urge to FB (used here as a verb not a noun) hits. My predictions include writing on my blog, returning emails in a more timely manner, spending extra time at the gym, and possibly getting to bed at a decent hour.;)

Here's a list I've put together of warning signs you may be addicted to Facebook (some I can identify with and others I know about from online examples - won't name any names):

  • create affectionate nicknames for it (see above FB).
  • update your status more than twice a day.
  • spend time on FB instead of spending it with your friends or family.
  • have seen the South Park Facebook episode and think you have actually been "sucked in."
  • RSVP "yes" to events even if you have no intention of going so it looks like you have a busy social calendar.
  • change your profile picture more than a 12-year-old (guilty as charged).
  • have cleaned up your wall so it looks like you spend less time online.
  • have a few friends on FB you have never met in person.
  • only check your email mostly to see if you have any FB updates.
  • find yourself thinking of funny status updates and when to post them.
  • take photos mostly  for the sake of posting and tagging them on FB.
  • introduce the guys you're dating to your friends by showing them his page.
  • have several ideas on how to add to this list.
Day 1 and I had time to go to my fav cupcake (it's a FB fast, not a sugar one) bakery, met a friend for a goal setting meeting, and even got some homework done. While I wasn't on FB I was online and it could be considered filling one addiction with another online past time. Possibly, but at least with a blog I have something to show for it and the satisfaction of knowing I didn't spend any time creepin' on my middle school ex-boyfriend's page.

Today I'm grateful for time, Lauren, and the 2010 FIFA World Cup!!

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