"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Facebook Fast - Day 4

Over half way done and I kinda just miss good ol' FB. My parents arrive tomorrow and I want to shout from the rooftops how excited I am to see them. The next best thing to shouting from rooftops is a Facebook post and since that isn't possible right now, I shall Tweet. I'm also beginning to realize I don't think I actually have a problem (this isn't denial, just fact). Come on now, I don't even have a phone app for it and only update my status every few days.

Day 4 and I have come to the conclusion I only kinda miss FB and I don't have a problem. Oh yes, and my parents arrive tomorrow!!! =)

Today I'm grateful for Journey to the Universe presentation, panhandle, and the Wiggle.

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