"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge." - Stephen Nachmanovitch

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Facebook Fast - Day 3

Hmm, day 3 and I'm going strong, but can't help wonder when the shakes will start. For starters I sat at computer after checking email and realized there was a farmer's market! I quickly gathered my things and went to buy some fresh eggs and veggies. I also reorganized my desk and went through some clothes to donate. Quite possibly the largest feat was actually applying for a contract job, and then also finding out I didn't get the job a few hours later...I also met a friend at a coffee shop instead of just texting her.

I'd say the fast is going well, I'm already on Day 3!? It's going well and fast!

Today I'm grateful for One Taste, NeuroBliss, and Anusara yoga.

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